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33e Décacourses Internationales 2016
− Hranice na Moravě −
Reportages et rapports de presse

Many thanks to Jan and the support team

Dear Jan and Uwe,

Back in Munich I reflect the last fantastic days in Hranice. I was a great
pleasure for me to start at the runner decathlon and enjoy the evening
events. This was perfect example that there is no need of high technical
equipment if you have such motivated support guys. It was nice to see the
"yellow angels" always switching the correct numbers for the remaining
rounds and the "little yellow rockets" between the time measurement and the
competition office.

Also the three evening events: the city tour, the excursion to the caves and
last not lest the athletic party - simple perfect - ! Many thanks to the
nice show with the children's and the presentation from Vanda. The dinner
was the best what I got in my decathlon history!

Now we are back in the real life and we feed from such SUPER EVENTS.

Many, many thanks and best regards,


Franz Mayer-Gebhart, 10/05/2016

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